
Arithmetic Circuit Complexity, Semester I, 2024-25 , Webpage      [videos]
Introduction to Profession & Communication, Semester I, 2024-25
Computational Arithmetic-Geometry for Algebraic Curves, Semester I, 2024-25 , Webpage (MooC in SWAYAM/NPTEL)
Randomized methods in Complexity, Semester I, 2024-25 , Webpage (MooC in SWAYAM/NPTEL)  [videos]

Data Structures and Algorithms
Semester II, 2023-24 , Webpage 
Basics of Computational Complexity, Semester II, 2023-24 , Webpage (MooC in SWAYAM/NPTEL)   [videos]
Probability for Computer Science, Semester II, 2023-24 , Webpage (MooC in SWAYAM/NPTEL)  [videos]

Randomized methods in Computational Complexity, Semester I, 2023-24 , Webpage

Computational Arithmetic-Geometry & Applications, Semester II, 2022-23 , Webpage
Randomized methods in Complexity, Semester II, 2022-23 , Webpage (MooC in SWAYAM/NPTEL)   [videos]

Mathematics for Computer Science - I
Semester I, 2022-23 , Webpage
Computational Number Theory & Algebra, Semester I, 2022-23 , Webpage (MooC in SWAYAM/NPTEL)   [videos]
Teaching the Teachers (Discrete Maths), (postponed) , Webpage

Computational Number Theory & Algebra
Semester II, 2021-22 , Webpage
Arithmetic Circuit Complexity, Semester II, 2021-22 , Webpage (MooC in SWAYAM/NPTEL)  [videos]

Computational Complexity Theory, Semester I, 2021-22 , Webpage 
Probability for Computer Science
, Semester I, 2021-22 , Webpage (MooC in SWAYAM/NPTEL)  [videos]

Mathematics for CS- III (Prob.), Semester II, 2020-21 , Webpage
Randomized methods in Complexity, Semester II, 2020-21 , Webpage (MooC in SWAYAM/NPTEL)   [videos]

Randomized methods in Computational Complexity, Semester I, 2020-21 , Webpage
Computational Number Theory & Algebra, Semester I, 2020-21 , Webpage (MooC in SWAYAM/NPTEL)   [videos]

Computational Number Theory & Algebra, Semester II, 2019-20 , Webpage
Arithmetic Circuit Complexity, Semester II, 2019-20 , Webpage (MooC in SWAYAM/NPTEL)   [videos

Algorithms II, Semester I, 2019-20 , Webpage

Arithmetic Circuit Complexity, Semester II, 2018-19 , Webpage

Randomized methods in Computational Complexity
Semester I, 2018-19 , Webpage

Design & Analysis of Algorithms,
Semester II, 2017-18 , Webpage

Computational Complexity Theory, Semester I, 2017-18 , Webpage
Technical Communication, Semester I, 2017-18 , Webpage

Computational Number Theory & Algebra, Semester II, 2016-17, Webpage

Mathematics for Computer Science - I,
Semester I, 2016-17 , Webpage

Arithmetic Circuit Complexity, Semester II, 2015-16 , Webpage

Introduction to Programming, Semester I, 2015-16 , Course     Lab

Randomized methods in Computational Complexity
Semester II, 2014-15 , Webpage

Computational Number Theory & Algebra, Semester I, 2014-15 , Webpage
Technical Communication, Semester I, 2014-15

Computational Complexity Theory, Semester II, 2013-14 , Webpage

Computational Arithmetic-Geometry & Applications, Semester I, 2013-14 , Webpage

Teaching in Bonn (2008-13)

Summer Semester 2012
Graduate Seminar on Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry

Winter Semester 2011/12
Graduate Seminar on Topics in Computational Algebraic Geometry

1) Notes made by Jesko Hüttenhain & Lars Wallenborn on Solving polynomial equations (using resultants, ideal decomposition etc.).
2) Notes by Andrea Munaro on Factoring polynomials over number fields.

Summer Semester 2011
Graduate Seminar on Topics in Quantum Computation

1) Scott Aaronson's lecture notes

2) Umesh Vazirani's lecture notes.

3) John Preskill's lecture notes

4) Quantum cryptography, Dominique Unruh's notes.

Winter Semester 2010/11
Graduate Seminar on Topics in Modern Cryptography

1) Notes made by Jesko Hüttenhain & Lars Wallenborn on Lattice-based crypto.
2) Notes by Andrea Munaro on Hyperelliptic curves-based crypto.

1) Lecture notes on Cryptography [pdf], Goldwasser & Bellare. 

2) The state of Elliptic Curve Cryptography [pdf], Koblitz, Menezes & Vanstone.

3) An elementary introduction to Hyperelliptic Curves [pdf], Menezes, Wu & Zuccherato. 

4) An introduction to Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography and the NTRU Cryptosystem [pdf], Scholten & Vercauteren.

5) Lattice-based Cryptography [pdf], Micciancio & Regev.

Summer Semester 2010
Graduate Seminar on Topics in Algebra & Computation

1) Notes by Jesko Hüttenhain on Elliptic Curves.

1) Madhu Sudan's Lecture Notes.
2) Charlap & Robbins' Report. [pdf] [Milne]

Winter Semester 2009/10
Graduate Seminar on Topics in Computational Complexity

Reference: A draft of the text-book is freely available online.

Summer Semester 2009
Randomized Methods in Computational Complexity

Byproduct: Un-edited Lecture notes are available. These are recorded solely by Lars A. Wallenborn.

Winter Semester 2008/09
Computational Complexity Theory

Byproduct: Un-edited Lecture notes are available. These are recorded solely by Lars A. Wallenborn.

Summer Semester 2008
Topics in Computational Algebra
Algebra plays an important role in both finding algorithms and understanding the limitations of computation. This course will focus on  some of the most fundamental algebraic concepts that arise in computation and algebraic algorithms that have applications in the real world. The  course will cover the problems of fast integer/polynomial multiplication, polynomial factoring, polynomial identity testing, primality testing,  integer factoring, discrete log and other concepts depending on the time and interest.

Venue: 1100-1300 Mon & 1400-1600 Fri, Seminar Room N327, Römerstraße