Seminar by Sriram Rajamani

Programming Research

Sriram Rajamani
Microsoft Research, India

    Date:    Friday, April 8th, 2011
    Time:    12:00 PM
    Venue:   CS101.


Most computer scientists think about programming as a routine implementation activity, primarily done in the industry, and primarily for economic gain. In this talk I will explain why the topic of programming is an important subject of research and scientific enquiry. I will pose some important research questions such as: How do you write correct programs? How do you write programs that run fast on modern multicore processors? How do you debug a large program? I will present some research projects at MSR India that aim to address some issues in these questions. I will also suggest some problems if you want to do research in this area.

About the speaker:

Dr. Sriram Rajamani holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley. Currently, he is the assistant managing director of Microsoft Research India. He is also the leader of Rigorous Software Engineering (RSE) group in MSR. His research interests are in programming languages, program analysis and software engineering.

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