Seminar by Prof. Subodh Kumar


Prof. Subodh Kumar
Director of Computer Graphics Lab
John Hopkins University
Date: Wed, Sep 22, 2004
Time: 3:45 PM
Venue: CS-101


Abstract: Early determination of visibility, or rather occlusion, of a large fraction of a model is necessary to allow interactive display of massive models. This talk will describe various geometric algorithms for hierarchical back-face and occlusion computation for triangular and other higher order primitives. It will also introduce an efficient silhouette finding algorithm. We will discuss both from-point and from-region visibility.

About the Speaker

Short Bio: Professor Subodh Kumar received his Bachelor's degree (B. Tech.) in Computer Science from the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi in 1991. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 1993 and 1996, respectively. Since then he has been on the faculty of Johns Hopkins University. His research interests include interactive 3D graphics, large-scale walkthrough, curved surface rendering and geometric processing. Prof. Kumar has earned the US National Science Foundation CAREER award.

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