Kanpur Site Contest is Over

ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest

ACM ICPC is the largest computer programming contest in the world. The ACM ICPC is an activity of the ACM that provides college students with an opportunity to demonstrate and sharpen their problem-solving and computing skills. The contest is considered to be the "Olympics of Computer Programming". The ACM ICPC Asia Regional Contests invite Asian students to meet, establish friendships and promote fair competition in programming.

Setting Up Teams

A team consists of at most 3 contestants and a coach from the same institution. Generally each team gets 6 to 8 problems to be solved within 5 hours. A team can submit the programs in C, C++ or in JAVA.

A Little About Us

It is a two tier contest. The world is divided into six regions and Asia is a region. In Asia there are Fifteen host sites and Kanpur is one of them. Each site selects one team as winner of the site and will be eligible to participate in the world finals which will be held in March, 2011 at Cairo, Egypt. The winning team of each site is eligible to participate to the world finals. Winning team may also get travel support from IBM and Directi to participate in the world finals. This is the Twelfth year that IIT Kanpur will be organizing the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (Asia Region).

News: warm up

The Winner of Kanpur Site Contest is "Dongskar Pedongi" from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Result of Kanpur Site Contest

Please note that IBM is the global sponsor of the world finals. For more information about ACM ICPC visit http://acm.baylor.edu.

Kanpur Site Contest is over.

India Industry Sponsor: (Partnership) Directi

Hosted By: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur IIT Kanpur