CS773: Notices

  1. [30/12/15] The internal website for this course is up.

  2. [30/12/15] Scribing schedules are up on the internal website - schedules can be swapped by mutual consent.

  3. [1/1/16] Office hours have been declared - are subject to change though.

  4. [2/1/16] Project ideas have been released - please check the internal website. You are welcome to propose your own ideas as well. Remember, the deadline for project proposal submission is 19th January, 2016.

  5. [17/1/16] The scribe style file has been updated with an environment to typeset exercises. Please download the updated file from the internal website.

  6. [24/1/16] The scribe style file has been updated with a new floating environment for typesetting algorithms, as well as support for Fraktur fonts. Please download the updated file from the internal website.

  7. [29/1/16] The first assignment has been mailed to students and auditors. Deadline for submission is 11th February 2016 before the end of class on that day.

  8. [3/3/16] The second assignment has been mailed to students and auditors. Deadline for submission is 17th March 2016 before the end of class on that day.

  9. [22/3/16] The third assignment has been mailed to students and auditors. Deadline for submission is 10th April 2016.