About Us

The Smart cards at IIT Kanpur is involved in various projects which are into Smart cards and related areas. There are projects which are sponsored by the ministry of India and some have been funded by various private organizations. There are projects on the development of standards for operating system for smartcards and for reader terminals. There are projects which have funded the development of operating system for smartcards. The smartcard group has developed a standalone reader terminal for communicating with smartcards. There is work going on electronic passports, driving license and other national projects such as the national ID. IIT Kanpur has also gone into smartcards in a big way by having smartcard based ID cards. These ID cards are being used to give swimming pool memberships, for self issue and return in the library,for marking attendance and as e-purse.

There are a number of students and Project employees working on these smartcard related activities. The group is very vibrant and loves to work on new problems and projects that are related to new technology.

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