Principal Components Analysis - A Demonstration

From the pages of the
Aberystwyth quantitative biology and analytical biotechnology group.

Animated gif


The data set consists of a cluster of values in three variables. Plotting any two of the variables against each other doesn't show any obvious structure. However, when we rotate the data set, we see that the set is actually very structured. So, for a simple, 3-d set, it can be hard to see the structure. Imagine the problem when 300 variables are being used!

Principal components analysis provides a method for finding structure in such data sets. Put simply, it rotates the data into a new set of axes, such that the first few axes reflect most of the variations within the data. By plotting the data on these axes, we can spot major underlying structures automatically. The value of each point, when rotated to a given axis, is called the principal component value. For example, the plot alongside shows the first two principal components of the data set used in the animation.

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