
   The problem   





Conclusions & Future Works

Althogh we started with a smaller note of calculating 3-d information with caliberated cameras of simple polyhedral objects.But at this time of presentation not only we are able to work with uncaliberated cameras but also able to reconstruct any real complex scene.We feel that we have achieved more than what we had expected & this is quite a satisfying and pleasnt achievement by itself.Had we worked with more number of views we would have been able to produce better results than that we have at the present moment. There is a lot of scope in this field of reconstruction of 3-d geometry . We at present have moved only a small step and quite a lot can be done which we left undone.


We are grateful to Dr. Amitabha Mukherjee, our instructor for the course for his kind help and advice for our project. He helped us out whenever we felt any trouble.
We are also thankful to Dr. Andrew Ziesserman,Professor Dept. of Robotics,University of Oxford for his valuble time that he gave to us. He sent us papers concerning the latest in the field of our project.
We also thank Dr. Narayan for responding to our mails and suggesting books for the topic.