ESO207 July 2019 Acceptance Criterion

The offering of the course in July-Nov semester is meant for CSE students who are in their 3rd semester, as per the template. All students for whom the course is a department compulsory (DC) in the Jul-Nov 2019 semester will be accepted into the course, in case they have not been already accepted. This also applies to students who have this course as a department compulsory but have a backlog. A limited number of students from other departments (that is, for whom this course is not a departmental compulsory for the July 2019 semester) will be accepted into the course as per the criteria stated in the following table. For verification purposes, students must send their latest transcript to the instructor's email ( or

Batch Criterion
Y18 ESC101 Grade is A or better and CPI >= 9.5
Y17 ESC101 Grade is B or better and CPI >= 8.5
Y16 and previous batches ESC101 Grade is B or better and CPI >= 8.0