In Hindi Text: i).In the first line "mujhe bahut shauk" , fourth line "sangrah" and "jaise taise maine". ii). I also backtracked to fixate again on complicated words like "akhyan" , "sangrah", "praffullit" , "granthalay" etc. Infact there are a lot of fixation points in the first paragraph and lot of amount of back - forth movement of eye gaze. iii). In the end of video after reading the complete Hindi paragraph , My saccades were going here and there, having fixation points at some random points. iv). Less fixation time on words of the last paragraph and also going back and forth of the gaze is also reduced. v). Saccades are making a kind of diagonal pattern in backward side. see from the line 4 ending to starting position of last to last line. vi). Fixation point at these points "bachapan ke sath" in the last line and ravinadra nath tagore's "kabuliwala" vii). No fixation point or no eye movement at the SMI symbol. viii). As I was expecting to have some amount of fixation point on the word landmark as normally I understand this word in cog. science context and had a completely different meaning and this was an English word in a Hindi text. But this was not so. Explanation: i). First occurance of first person reference "mujhe" make me to think about that. Explanation for fourth line is same as (ii). ii). In the starting paragraph , my gaze backtracked a lot because of Words were too complicated to understand and overall I was unable to make sense out of sentence. Hence , I retracted back. One reason might be my lack of practice of reading Hindi texts. Example of complicated words : eg. narishya lila , harivansh ray bacchan. (complicated words , sangrah, praffullit , granthalay etc.) iii). As after reading the whole I was trying to understand it on the whole , thinking about important landmarks in the text. Hence my gaze was going here and there to understand the things. One more reason as stated later could be the idea of having some question answer session after the reading , hence some time was gone on remembering of the important details in the text. iv). Last paragraph was easy to understand as it did not contain a lot of complicated words and was based on first one, I spend more time to again go to first paragraph and think how it related to first one. So most of time spend in the first part to figure out , who could be the possible "I" in the first paragraph. As the second part of the paragraph was easy to understand and following from the first one , go and forth of gaze is significantly reduced in that. The article used in the paragraph was I. So I again reread the paragraph to think about who it might be, again I had idea of remembering in the mind for possible questions at the end. I also wanted to understand who the person might could be. v). I do not have any explanation for the part that why for after ending of every line , the next fixation point goes to start to next to next line , not on the next line. I really do not understand that why the gaze goes below than the expected. May be in order to search for the next line , it might go to next line. As this is happening all over the paragraph, there might be some experimental in proper fixation also. vi). I was trying to concentrate on remembering the name of important things that could be used to understand the meaning, I had some value idea in the mind , there might be some quiz kind of thing , due to which I was trying to remember important things , Hence I had some time on looking at names eg. "bachapan ke sath" in the last line and ravinadra nath tagore's "kabuliwala". vii). I am surprised that I completely missed the SMI symbol. Explanation for this might be to as we are told to read the text So my concentration did not go into that part. viii). One possible reason might be reference and context , before coming to the word "landmark" , I was already confirmed to that word to some kind of location , in the location sense , I was familiar with Landmark hotel , So I kind of already familiar with use of landmark in reference to some place.