Free Will vs Determinism : Computationalism : -intentionlaity -function modelling: weighing the options -against free-will: even going against the optimal solution can be modelled as a function -probablistic models are deterministic -confusion modelling: degree of confusion ?? -Searles weakened argument against future computers -Searles assumption of indistinguishability does away with intentionality. Intentionality is not introspection. No sytem(humans) can have intentionality. -percept is also a symbol, true ?? How do you think - language or visually ? -grounding captures visual associations we have -language developed after emotions in a timeline -victory - emotional response -emotional response: it is a part of cognition (hormonal reinforcement or suppression) -individual grounding/symbols ? -computers are architecturally similar: is it the same with humans ? -genetic variation and probablistic modelling -What is the optimal memory representation ? in humans: We don't know yet hence can't argue