I1 - Move your finger by x mm in +z direction.
I2 - Move your finger by x mm in -z direction.
I3 - Drag your finger in angular direction by ‘theta’ distance.
I4 - Drag your finger in linear direction.
I5 - Visual Input from the screen.

C - Explicit or Implicit
We cannot explicitly determine exactly what we are doing so that it can be written as a program. This is because a lot of the things that we do, possibilities that we consider are not on an explicit level. For eg., while playing quake, I often decide where to move without thinking much,and even though I am aware of what I am doing on a high level (trying to kill enemies), I cannot recall the precise reasons for each of the small decisions that I made (I just somehow made them without being aware). similar is the case for a chess expert’s knowledge, when they play a game, they tend to recognize the patterns involved (at an implicit level) and somehow, just ‘know’ the right move to make in the situation. They have a very vast knowledge about the possible situations that can arise in chess and what moves to be made in those but this knowledge is not explicitly used to determine the move to be made
There are a lot of similarities in the explicit knowledge of the quake and chess expert. Both of them have a lot of experience in their respective fields and have made implicit representations of the situations that might arise and how to deal with them. For both of them, they have recognized patterns in the situations they deal with e.g. (king’s gambit for chess expert and facing an enemy with ‘quad damage’ for the quake expert).