
0 The first algorithm

One algorithm to test \(x == y\) is as follows. For \(x\) and \(y\), construct a graph where the nodes represent variables in the store, and an edge from feature \(i\) of a record variable \(a\) to a variable \(b\) represents the fact that \(a.i\) is \(b\).

If the graphs are structurally similar, then \(x == y\).

1 Algorithm

The following algorithm may also work to compute the entailment operator. This algorithm does not test for structural similarity of graphs - instead, it tries to mimic the unification algorithm in its steps except that it does not introduce any new bindings.

The following algorithm is used for computing whether \(x==y\) where \(x\) and \(y\) are variables.

1.1 \(x==y\)

  1. If the pair \((x,y)\) is marked as being tested, then entailment evaluates to true. (This is to handle recursive calls to the same pair.)

    If \((x,y)\) are not marked as being tested, then execute the first case of the following, that applies.

  2. If \(x\) and \(y\) are the same variable (i.e. the entailment is \(x==x\)), then the entailment evaluates to true.
  3. Unbound Variables
    1. If \(x\) and \(y\) are unbound but belong to different equivalence classes, then entailment suspends.
    2. If \(x\) and \(y\) are unbound variables equivalent to each other, then entailment evaluates to true.
    3. If exactly one variable is bound and the other unbound, then entailment suspends.
  4. \(x\) bound to a number
    1. If \(x\) is bound to a number \(n_1\) and \(y\) is bound to a number \(n_2\), then entailment evaluates to true if \(n_1\) is the same as \(n_2\) and to false otherwise.
    2. If \(x\) is bound to a number and \(y\) is bound to a record or a procedure, then entailment evaluates to false.
  5. \(x\) bound to a procedure
    1. If \(x\) is bound to a procedure or \(y\) is bound to a procedure or both are bound to procedures, then entailment evaluates to false. (Note: This is slightly different in the full-blown Oz implementation you usually run: see the Example 1.)
  6. \(x\) bound to a record \(label(f_1:x_1 \dots f_k:x_k)\)
    1. If \(y\) is bound to a number or a procedure, then entailment evaluates to false.
    2. If \(y\) is a record with a different label or a different arity (i.e. feature set), then entailment evaluates to false.
    3. If any of \(x_1 \backslash= y_1\) or \(x_2 \backslash= y_2\) or \(\dots\) or \(x_k \backslash= y_k\) holds, then entailment evaluates to false. This case can apply even when some of these terms cause entailment to suspend. This can be done even in a sequential interpreter, and clearly can be done if we can test these terms in parallel.
    4. If \((x_1 == y_1) \land (x_2 == y_2) \land \dots \land (x_k == y_k)\), then entailment evaluates to true.
    5. If none of these subcases apply, then entailment suspends.

Finally, unmark the pair \((x,y)\) and return the evaluation of the entaiment.

2 Example 1

declare F G H
F = proc {$ ?X} X=1 end
G = F
H = proc {$ ?X} X=1 end
{Browse F==G} % true
{Browse F==H} % false

3 Example 2

local X in
  X = 1|X
  {Browse X==1|X}

Then we see if \(X.1 == (1|X).1\) and if $X.2 == (1|X).2$.

\(X.1\) is 1 and \((1|X).1\) is 1, so the first entailment evaluates to true.

\(X.2\) is \(X\), and \((1|X).2\) is true as well.

4 Example 3

local X in
  X = 1|X
  {Browse X==1|(1|X)}

This reduces to

First, \(X.1 == 1\) This evaluates to true.

Second, \(X.2 == (1|X).2\), i.e. $X == (1|X)$, which we analyzed to be true in the previous example.

5 Example 4

local X Y in
  X = 1|Y
  Y = 1|X
  {Browse X==Y}

\(X == Y\) reduces to $X.1 == Y.1$ , that is, \(1==1\), and \(X.2 == Y.2\), that is, \(Y==X\). Since \((X,Y)\) are marked as being tested at the beginning of the call, the second test will return true. Thus, the whole entailment returns true.

6 Example 5

local X Y Z in
  X = 1|Y
  Y = 1|Z
  Z = 1|X

X==Y reduces to Y==Z, which reduces to Z==X, which in turn reduces to X==Y. Hence the entailment evaluates to true.

Date: 2015-08-25 10:34:21 India Standard Time

Author: Satyadev Nandakumar

Org version 7.8.11 with Emacs version 24

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