Hi. I'm Sai Charan Putrevu.

I am 26 years old, Programmer & Technology enthusiast, currently pursuing my Ph.D in Computer Science & Engineering @Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur as a Prime Minister's Research Fellow

Supervisor: Prof. Sandeep Kumar Shukla

Know about what I do

Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do

A list of things I did in my past :

  1. Worked in CISCO N7k Team as a Software Developer(2016-17)
  2. M.Tech in Cyber Security from TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security @ Amrita Vishwa Vidyappetham(2017-19)
  3. Worked as a Research Intern in DELL-RSA for developing API Framework for RSA Archer Elastic Search Engine(2018-19)
  4. Worked as Intern in Yazali Farmers Producer Company(FPO); which mainly working inorder to make agriculture profitable in villages using advanced technology, there by supporting sustainable economy with high happiness index and creating self sustained and self reliant villages(April-July,2019)
These are the few works of mine

PMRF Teachings

As a part of PMRF Teachings, I created a video lecture series on Advanced Persistent Threats - Attribution and Detection to reach out to a large section of students across India.


Check out the details about my Research publications, Achievements, Course work @ IITK , Teaching Assistant Resources, Certifications and details of my mentors / Co-Authors here.

Research Papers

I am basically Interested in Network Protocol security and Malware Analysis. From last 3 years, I am Working on APT detection techniques. Please ping me inorder to share your feedback on my work

Awesome sites Helped me

These are few sites which grab my attention while surfing and helped me a lot though out all these years


Type racer is a multiplayer online browser based typing game.You can check your typing speed frequently and I am sure that type racer definitely help you people to increase your typing speed

Hacker News

Hacker news is a social news website focusing on computer science and entrepreneurship. It is run by paul graham's investment fund and startup incubator called Y combinator.

Stack Exchange

This Buddy is there with me all the down times(when I don't have any clue about how to proceed further). Just copy&paste anything, this baby will have a solution hopefully !!! Thanks for the developers of this awesome page & active users in this network :) You people did a lot for me in difficult times ;)

Cryptography With Paar

He was Just Amazing! One of my Favourite online Teacher. Its always been fun to listen his lectures & learned a lot in my masters times. His book(Understanding Cryptography)is one of the simple and engaging one that I have read related to crypto. In one word he is my virtual crypto guru ;)


Coursera gave me great opportunity to complete Database and Networking, Blockchain Courses from some of prestigious Universities in World & added weight to my Resume

New Boston Channel

One of my favourite site! This site is filled with ultimate source for free video tutorials realated to science & Technology that will be helpful in your day to day life. I learned many interesting things through this platform and I was very much inspired by this site founder Bucky Roberts real life as a techie


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