CS365 : Artificial Intelligence

Assignment 2 Solutions

Part A : Hand-written Numerals

In this question, we have considered how an imaging system may construct models for handwritten numerals. We have used 2000 images from the MNIST database, each of size 28x28 pixels.

Q1 :Constructing the 2-D Isomap model for the MNIST using Euclidean distance.

A . Digits 1 and 7

B .Digits 4 and 9

C. All the digits

D. Mappig like Tenenbum's paper(Note :Mappings like this are given in above links)

Q2:Constructing the 2-D Isomap model using tangent-distance.

A . Digits 1 and 7

B .Digits 4 and 9

C. All the digits


C. Scanned copies

Part B. Discovering Robot Motion DOFs

Q1 . For Nao Robot

Q2 . For Hinged at one center

Q3 . Calculating Thetas

Q4 . For Moving Box on horizontal line