CS365 Assignment 2

Question A

Code for Problem A
PROBLEM 1:Euclidean Distance
Euclidean Distance Isomap between 1 and 7
Euclidean Distance Residual Variance Curve between 1 and 7

Euclidean Distance Isomap between 4 and 9
Euclidean Distance Residual Variance Curve between 4 and 9

Euclidean Distance Isomap between all the digits
Euclidean Distance Residual Variance Curve between all the digits

PROBLEM 2:Tangent Distance
Tangent Distance Isomap between 1 and 7
Tangent Distance Residual Variance Curve between 1 and 7

Tangent Distance Isomap between 4 and 9
Tangent Distance Residual Variance Curve between 4 and 9

Tangent Distance Isomap between all the digits
Tangent Distance Residual Variance Curve between all the digits

PROBLEM 3:hindi Numeral Data Collection
Data sheet 1
Data Sheet 2
Data Sheet 3

Question B

Code for Problem B
Residual Variance Curve of robot NAO
Isomap of robot NAO
Explanation to problem B1"

PROBLEM 2:Arms random movement
Residual Variance Curve of "box random"
Isomap of "box random"
Explanation to problem B2"

PROBLEM 3:Solving of theta1,2,3,4
Solutions to problem B3
Verification to problem B3

PROBLEM 4:Box horizontal movement
Residual Variance Curve of "box in horizontal direction" problem
Isomap of "box in horizontal direction" problem
Explanation to problem B4"