
Avinash Prem Kumar Koyya , Y9156

Rishabh Nigam , 10598

1a [code]
1b [code]
1c [code]
1d [code]

2a [code]
2b [code]
2c [code]

The arm of the robot is seen to move with 4 degrees of freedom. Two about the shoulder, two about the ankle ; rotations in the vertical and horizontal planes each. However, the most likely dimension observed from the residual error curve [code] (using the eucleidian distance) is three.

As given, the number of degrees of freedom of the given system is four. Using the eucledian distance to plot the isomap results in a residual error curve [code] that gives an uncertainity in the dimensionality as it is continuously decreasing. However, by plotting the isomap using geodesic distances [code] gives a close approximation of three.

theta1 = 144.1 deg
theta2 = 48.2 deg
theta3 = 81.46 deg
theta4 = 109.48 deg

Applying isomap on the set of images, the residual error curve [code] gives a dimensionality of one. Comparing to the case in B2, there is a decrease in dimensionality. This can be accounted to the constrained motion described by the system in the given series of images. The box moves along a horizontal line, restricting the vector (theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4) to a single possibility. So, the entire system is dependent only upon the position of the box in the horizontal path.