----------------------------------------------------------------------- quad_tree_program.c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Program ------------ The program "quad_tree_program.c ", developed by Srinivasa Rao Sureddi, can provide valid quadrilateral mesh which is devolped by following Quad_tree decomposition. For executing the program, please look at the sample files quad_tree_program.c <------ Source code and input.sample <------- Sample input file Name of the code included with graphics is <------ graphics.c in the directory /k3/sraos/www/751/proj/ All the input parameter deatails are expalined in sample input file ( input.sample ). TO COMPILE THIS PROGRAM: 1. Copy all the files from this area into a subdirectory, e.g. QUAD 2. cd QUAD 3. Make linux (assuming you are trying to run this on Linux) 4. Type the command ODraw < INFILENAME 5. For seeing the output without graphics output, you can a) compiling : cc -Aa -lm quad_tree_program.c b) execution : a.out < INFILE > OUTFILE OUTFILE contains coordinates of nodes which are being devolped. INPUT FILE FORMAT The file "input_sample" explains each entry in an example input file. REMEMBER ----------- Use only CCPCs' for running this program " graphics.c " Or should have the OpenGL libraries installed in your directory. To set display to some other terminal, use the command export DISPLAY=:0.0 This assumes you are using k-shell. Note that to run the OPENGL code, you will need to set your path to the OpenGL libraries. This may be done with the program "Setup". What SetUp DOES: ---------------- 1. It adds a line to your .profile so that you can access the OpenGL libraries. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/g11/apurva/lxmesa/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 2. It creates a set of links in your OpenGL directory so that you can access the OpenGL libraries. 3. It makes a directory My_Programs in this OpenGL directory for you to keep your code. Read the file Compile.RME in your My_Programs area for further info.