Tring Tring...Tring Tring... the phone rings,one picks up the reciever and calls out into it ....Hello!...irrespective of the caller! A hurried exchange apprises one of the identity of the caller , and conversation which ensuses is happily oblivious of the separation between the speakers . Or perhaps what strikes us - the hostelities much more is the clear voice of our families providing us with the words of comfort and encouragement , or perhaps the sweet , seranading voice of each of our girl friends - when on the phone, constantly titillate us by reminding of relativity - time seems to fly much too quickly , while those waiting for their turn , find longer than an unbiased clock would indicate. A businessman or an executive making deals , or journalist reporting to his newspaper , a student contacting his professor for advice , gossiping amongst friends or perhaps even more frivolously , a wife calling up her husband every hour to keep a tab on him!

Amid this gamut of emotions , diversity of cultures and communication across the miles , what was probably most striking was how we overlooked the mediums, the instrument the telephone - the product of the marriage between the disciplines of Electrical & Mechanical engineering.

Thus, an examination of this device , which in its plethora of styles and forms , has proliferated to almost every home ;is the objective of our present discussion.