This is my homepage. You will find my contact details and some articles (and talks) that I have (co-)authored in the past on this site. Please use the links on the left to navigate.

I have joined Microsoft Research India as a Research Fellow. This is a post-doctoral position and I will be employed here till July 2015. My Email ID given here will continue to work as my primary point of contact.

My Microsoft Research homepage [url]. This is a temporary homepage but will have some recent items such as talk slides and full versions of recent papers. The CSE/IITK webpage shall continue to be my primary homepage for some more time.

Remembering Professor Rajeev Motwani ...

[NEW] We are organizing the 1st Indian Workshop on Machine Learning at IITK from July 1-3, 2013. Call for abstracts and other details can be found here.

Some time ago, we had a reading group in Machine learning in our department. You can have a look at the talks presented at the SIGML homepage.

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