Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur

CS210: Data Structures

Dr. R. K. Ghosh

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Graph Applets Page

This page links to three different applets demonstrating depth-first and breadth-first search on both directed and undirected graphs, Dijkstra's single source shortest path and minimum spanning tree algorthms by Kruskal and Prim. The applets can demonstrate algorithms either on a default graph or user specified graph.

The default graph can be selected by pressing DEFAULT button.

The user specified graph can be provided using an applet embedded graph editor which have facilities like

  • Adding a vertex
  • Deleting a vertex
  • Adding an edge
  • 1. It requires 2 end vertices and the weight
    2. BFS/DFS does use edge weights
    3. But all three inputs are necessary to add an edge
  • Deleting an edge
  • The applets

  • BFS and DFS of directed/undirected graphs
  • Single source shortestpath
  • Minimum spanning tree

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