R.O.M.P.: Remotely Operated Mobile Platform

Remotely Operated Mobile Platform: ROMP, is a teleoperated steled vehicle, with advanced fixtures. IT is designed to be operated remotely at unhealthy, uncomfortable, and hazardous environment, and, can be used to monitor processes, equipment and machinary, with the help of a colour, video camera mounted on top. Although not specifically designed to withstand high temperature or radioactivity, later versions of ROMP is planned to be radiation protected.

ROMP weighs weighs 100 Kg, and can carry a payload of 100 Kg, up a 20 deg slope. ROMP is designed to carry a medium sized manipulator, which can undertake various tasks, such as removal and retrieval of material, closing of valves and switches, etc. An onboard, IBM compatible, PC/AT computer handles all operations, under command from an operator console, which houses another PC/AT computer handles all operations, under command from an operator console, which houses another PC/AT computer. All user interfaces are with the console computer, which includes a 2-axes, force-feedback, joystick for movement of the vehicle, and a user-friendly, software module for control of camera and other, on-board, hardware. A master arm for the control of the on-board manipulator, using the Master-Slave configuration is planned for the future. Power and control signals are fed to the ROMP through a 50 core flat cable.

Advanced features of the ROMP include an automatic table management system, infra-red proximity sensors for obstacle avoidance, a front mounted sonar range finder for path planning, and contact sensors at front and back for automatic braking before collision. Remote power ON/OFF circuitry, and a remote manual braking capability adds to the safety features of ROMP. In addition, cable continuity check circuitary with automatic power OFF is provided.

Project Team: Sushmit Sen, Md. Khurshid Alam, Anjali Kulkarni, Dr Amitabha Ghosh, Dr K. Sriram.