HOMEWORK 1: OPTICAL FLOW BASED MOTION ANALYSIS OBJECTIVES: Analyze temporal sequences of images to determine camera motion and/or moving objects in the frames. INPUT IMAGE SEQUENCES ~tiwaria/665/optflow1.zip (zooming in) ~tiwaria/665/optflow2.zip (reptile moving) WEB NOTES OF RELEVANCE: http://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/~amit/vision/sussex/vision6.html http://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/~amit/vision/robyn/motion/ SUBMISSION Create a web page in a subdir ~/665/hw1 called "index.html" with images showing intermediate results (velocity vectors images), and using them to generate the motion estimate (hypothesis, parameter matching, best fit analysis) and the final conclusion. Focus on the methodology of how the flow vectors were used to understand motion. NOTE: The 665/hw1 directory should have read permission including all subdirectories/files. It should be a self-contained directory so that if the "hw1" directory is copied elsewhere, hw1/index.html will work. NOTE 2: EXTRA CREDIT for world-exportable code. If you think your code is good and that the world should see it, let the tutor know. DUE DATE: Jan 28, 2002. Demos will be taken by the TA during the afternoon and evening.