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Commando 3-in-1 : Battle Stories

Commando comics (publ)

Commando comics (publ);

Commando 3-in-1 : Battle Stories

DC Thomson & Co 1989 / EuroBooks India 2007

ISBN 9788128617409

topics: |  comic | young-adult | uk | graphic-novel | world-war2

Compilation of three commando comics : Top-secret Cargo, 1989; Tom Vale joins an aussie commando outfit as an outsider and emerges a hero in an effort to prevent the Japanese shipping pitchblende ore from Borneo. A shot from the shadows, 1989; Ted Piggott, a Scottish outdoorsman and game stalker, signs up with the Highlands regiment and as a crack shot, becomes a sniper; taking out six jerries singlehandedly in the final episode. Dragon riders; Set in Britain in Roman times, the tribulations of the Caratae warrior tribe under the cruel romans. opening line: [the Roman empire] was the mightiest civilisation ever seen, stretching from Asia to the Atlantic and from Africa to the North Sea. (hubris on the Roman empire; what of not the "Mongol civilization"?)

amitabha mukerjee (mukerjee [at-symbol] 2010 Aug 25