ME751 Project Report: Learning Tolerance Models

Computer Aided Engineering Design ME 751/451 Jul-Nov 99 -:Mukerjee

Learning Tolerance CAD Models using PCA

Gagan Deep Arora (96095)
Ravi Prakash Srivastava (96226)
Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur : November 1999


In Addition...
  1. Original Proposal for this work
  2. Preliminary Presentation (power point format)
  3. Various Codes used in the Study


Actual Design Process involves assignment of shapes and their dimensions which in turn serve as the guidelines for the manufactureres, developers, users, and the designers themselves. The various stages of development of a design, particularly the machinig fabrication and testing involve considering it as an approximation in the sense of defining tolerances for both shape and size parameters. These tolerances are inevitably encountrered due to the limitations of each of the stages of the design and development process. It is therefore only essential that the designer be equipped with tools which allow him to design and test with real-life considerations of tolerances.

The present-day CAD tools have little to offer in this area and much work needs to be done before tolerances can be handled by CAD platforms which can identify shape classes rather than rigidly considering shapes alone. The present work is a step in this direction wherein we attempt to extract toleranced CAD models from images of simple, yet representative, 3-D models and providing a shape class for the identified shape.

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Problem Statement

The problem taken for the current study hovers around the central idea of introducing Tolerances in CAD models. It was initially proposed to work on extraction of toleranced CAD models from images. This is indeed the problem yet, though some variation of approach has been adopted. The current work has been more of a simulation and experimental research excercise dealing broadly with application of principal component analysis to learning toleranced models so as to identify and classify similar objects later.

Principal Component Analysis

Principal Component Analysis or the PCA as it is popularly known, is, in short, a technique to find the directions in which a given set of data is most concentrated. This knowledge enables us to find the directions in which the data cloud is most stretched, so that we can store it in a compressed format and when required, reconstruct it with minimal distortions. This feature is particularly useful when dealing with large databases which require frequent and fast retrieval.

[PCA Example]

From Aberystwyth quantitative biology and analytical biotechnology group

Click on the image above to view how a given set of data can be made to make sense when viwed from a different direction. Also this denotes the principal direction along which the data set contains most information. It is such a direction that we are interested in. As shown in the plot of a typical data set which again, is concentrated along a particular direction, we need not spend effort and memory saving the irrelevant parts - once the principal directions are known using the principal component analysis.

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PCA Formulation for Shape Classification

Defining the Shape Class Space

A training letter_image can be thought of as a training vector with each image pixel as the component of that vector. Let X be the Training set matrix (columns of which are training vectors used to define shape class) and W be the covariance matrix.
The outer product of one matrix is product of the matrix with its transposed form i.e W = X*XT
The L principal components are the first L eigenvectors of the covariance matrix W arranged in descending order. Since all the elements of the image are not relevant to represent the image, we choose first L eigen vectors to represent an image class. Let P be the matrix of the first L eigenvectors (each eigenvector being a column of P). So, the aim is to calculate P.

Figure: Block Diagram showing the steps involved in image manipulation using PCA to arrive at the eigen vector space of the
training set images and reconstruction of images in this vector space.

To compute W and then P is too time consuming. Indeed, X is a N by K matrix (where N is the number of elements (pixel) in a vector (image) and K the number of these training vectors). Hence W is an N by N matrix. But N is far larger than K.
For example, if 200 images are used, each image having a resolution of 64 by 64 pixels. K = 200, while N = 64*64 = 4096. Therefore, it is much faster to compute V, the inner product of X. The inner product of a matrix is the product of the transposed form of this matrix by itself. So V is a K by K matrix.It can be shown that P = X * Q * E where Q is the eigenvector matrix of V and E is the inverted square root diagonal matrix of the eigenvalues of V. The details and proof of this result can be obtained from standard linear algebra books.

Image Reconstruction in the defined space

Let F be the matrix of the components of the faces stored in the matrix X (the ith column of F forms the composnts of the ith column of X, which is a face). PCA computes F as follows : F = PT* X.
Lets Y be the reconstruction matrix from the components stored in the matrix F. PCA computes Y as follows : Y = P * F

This method does a great amount of big matrices product, which is a time consuming operation and the recognition process takes appreciable time depending upon number of images in the training and recognition sets.

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Sample Results

Sample results as obtained from Face recognition code are presented here.


The input consists of a training set of grey scale images as shown here. For each object, the input would be several such images actually derived from a parent input figure by applying specified vertex and edge perturbations. Also, the false image training set is given as one having deviations from the standard image in excess of the specified tolerances. The number of eigen vectors to compute and the test images are also provided.

Figure: The shown Polygon was taken up as a case and the following purturbations were applied to produce the acceptable and non-acceptable shape class models: Vertices 7 and 8 were given individual perturbations in the range illustrated for acceptable and non-acceptable ranges. Similarly vertices 5 and 6 were perturbed in their ranges but simultaneously so as to keep edge 5-6 vertical. The actual numerical values and the nature of tolerance definition may vary and accordingly the enclosing unacceptable range shell too, but the idea remains that any possible heavy variation in the specified shape would produce object more similar to those defined by the outer shell than those in the accepted tolerance range. So these may be accordingly rejected.

Click on the following animated images to view the complete training set.

Figure: Animated sets for training - Left to right: Desired Tolerances, Tolerance on left face (inner bound),
Tolerance on left face (upper bound), Tolerance on right face of hole (lower bound),
Tolerance on right face (upper bound).

The output would be a set of shape classes which shall all be different in the strict sense of CAD modelling as used today, but each of these would be identified as the same object from where they originated.

Eigen Vectors

Figure: These are the EIgen vectors' Reconstruction for the case of training classes taken.

Matching Results

For the Recognition testing, The first 5 images were taken from the admissible set (l), the remaining being taken 5 each from classes (m), (n), and (o) while 4 test cases were chosen from (p). Also, six additional cases were taken which were very dissimilar from the claasses defined.

Figure: The results mapped the corresponding images onto the parent classes,
i.e. while trying to match with the standard class - l, it gave wrong recognition. In cases of entirely different images, the weighted eigen vectors are smaller and can be threshholded*.

Failure case: The first image, though actually belonging to the standard class, was rejected and mapped to be belonging to class (o) and it is very difficult to threshold such a failure case since the weighted eigen values are close to the standard value.

*The threshhold value works definitively only with closely resembling objects. A simple approach to thresholding on the basis of the projection of test object onto the eigen space createdd, i.e. the weighted eigen values, does not necessarily yield conclusive results. An entirely different object might map onto the eigen space well enough to produce a resultant magnitude of weighted eigen values in the range produced by admissable objects.

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The return value of weighted eigenvectors do not seem to bear a definite trend for objects which are widely different from those of the training classes. It is difficult to say at this stage whether these values can be threshholded successfully to categorically reject an entirely new image, for which the program has not been trained beforehand. But nevertheless, the algorithm works remarkably well for objects close to those present in the training set. As seen in the results presented in the case studies done in this work, it is capable of classifying closely similar objects with fairly high accuracy. Given the nature of the problem at hand, i.e. Tolerance definition and identification, this property is particularly useful. Moreover, it is only unlikely in a manufacturing process that a strange object is encounterd from a standard machined output.

This process, though tested largely for artificially generated images, works smoothly with real-life photographs as well, with similar characteristics. The tool may therefore be very suitably applied to a manufacturing process where it is required to detect faults in objects through various tolerance definitions.

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  1. Goswami,A. Identification of Partially visible Shape Classes, July 1999 Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Dept of mechanical engg.
  2. Ziyad N.A. & GilmoreE.T. & TuggleK. & ChouikhaM.F., Howard University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Washington ,Image Representation Recovery and analysis using Principal Component Analysis
  3. Two Dimensional Image Processing
  4. Srinivas Akella's Research
  5. Face Recognition Group Home Page
  6. PCA Revisited
  7. Related Links

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This report was prepared by Gagan Deep Arora and Ravi P.Srivastava as a part of the project component in the Course on Computer Aided Engineering Design in the July-December Semester, 1999.
(Instructor : Amitabha Mukerjee )